What is Gum Disease?

Your mouth, naturally, attracts bacteria over time. When you brush and floss, you are doing your part to remove that bacterial build-up. Unfortunately, we can’t reach it all. Some stay in our mouths. Regular visits to your dentist remove bacteria in all the tough spots, like between your teeth and under your gums.

When we skip practicing good oral hygiene or seeing our dentist, bacteria can grow out of control. At first, our gums become irritated and inflamed. Over time, the inflammation develops into periodontal gum disease. As the disease advances, you will experience more pain and discomfort due to increased levels of bacteria and decay.

Causes & Prevention

The buildup of excess bacteria in your mouth causes gum disease. Allowing bacteria to build up over time increases the inflammation in your gums, leading to discomfort and irritability. When symptoms continue without treatment, you can develop an extreme case of periodontal gum disease.

In order to save yourself pain, time, and money,  prevention is your first defense by brushing your teeth at least twice a day, and floss once a day. Also, don’t forget to make an appointment with your general dentist in Marietta every six months to remove bacteria from the nooks and crannies in your smile.

Signs to Watch For

If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with your gum disease dentist right away.

  • Sore or bleeding gums
  • Pain while chewing
  • Receding gums or uneven gum line
  • Poor tooth alignment
  • Pockets between gums and teeth formed by bacteria
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Tooth loss, loose or sensitive teeth

Gum Disease Treatment

Every time you visit us for a dental cleaning, we will also examine your teeth and gums. One of the main things we look for is periodontal gum disease. In other words, we check your gums for inflammation and tenderness. Most of the time, we find that our patients have small amounts of bacterial overgrowth. If this is the case, a professional cleaning will get your smile back on track and send you on your way.

In some cases, our patients have higher amounts of bacteria on their teeth and gums. For these patients, we perform deeper cleanings to remove bacteria and check for decay.

Still, some other patients haven’t seen their dentist in years and show signs of periodontitis. In these cases, we see tooth and gum decay due to bacterial overgrowth. In these rare cases, we will suggest oral surgery to repair your smile. To prevent gum disease, decay, and costly surgeries, schedule an appointment with your dentist at the first sign of inflammation or pain.

Your Gum Disease Specialist in Marietta

If you need treatment for gum disease, you’ll want a specialist who knows the warning signs and treatment options. Dr. Sprouse in Marietta has extensive experience in helping patients say goodbye to gum disease. He will know what your smile needs. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at (770) 973-1380.