What is TMJ?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a sliding joint in your jaw, on both sides of your face. When you experience this disease, you experience pain in your joints and the muscles surrounding the joints. There are several reasons why you might experience symptoms such as stress, bruxism (teeth grinding), and jaw injury. Though these stressors cause pain, there are no specific causes. However, with the help of your dentist, you can relieve pain caused by TMJ.


When we see patients who experience jaw aches or neck pain, we look at the full picture before diagnosis. However, some common symptoms include jaw soreness, facial aches, and neck pain. Additionally, pain in the ears and clogged ears often come from TMJ disorder.

Further, specific issues with your jaw could also indicate that you experience TMJ. For example, lockjaw is common. Whether your jaw locks briefly or for extended amounts of time, lockjaw is abnormal and requires treatment. Clicking and popping of your jaw are also symptoms that could lead to worse lockjaw.

Severe headaches or migraines of unknown cause may be a symptom of TMJ. Whether you grind your teeth or experience ear and neck pain, headaches could stem from symptoms.

Who is a Candidate For Treatment?

If you experience any pain in your face, neck, or jaw, you should see both your doctor and your dentist. Talking to both specialists will allow you to get the full scope of your health. Since jaw disorders lead to cracked, worn, and loose teeth, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist.

When you experience extreme jaw pain or tenderness that prevents you from chewing, eating, or opening your mouth to speak, you need to see your dentist. If you want to talk to a TMJ specialist about whether or not you need treatment, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sprouse by calling us at (770) 973-1380.

TMJ Treatment

Once your TMJ specialist diagnoses you with TMJ, he will then develop a treatment method specifically for you. We might use a combination of oral splints, orthodontics, and restorative dentistry to relieve your pain. Our number one goal is to help your jaw rest in its most comfortable position, both day and night.

Wearing an oral splint while you sleep can help reposition your jaw’s resting position and prevent you from clenching or grinding your teeth. We may also use orthodontics to address misaligned bites that might be causing strain on your jaw joints. Lastly, your treatment might include restorative dentistry to repair and restore worn or broken teeth. This will help rebuild your bite so you can maintain your results even better.

Your TMJ Specialist in Marietta, Georgia

If you experience neck pain, headaches, or jaw pain, talk to your dentist about TMJ. To find out if you have TMJ, schedule a consultation with your TMJ specialist in Marietta by calling us at (770) 973-1380.